How to fall asleep faster?
Source: from open sources

How to fall asleep faster?

You have sleeping problems. Usually you lie in bed an hour, or even more, and nothing. It is very tedious and upset. Turn over the side on the side in the hope that you are about to fall into a deep sleep, it does not work. You are infuriated that others fall into bed and slept calmly for 10 minutes. There are ways to correct this problem. We present you 4 ways to quickly fall asleep.

Limit caffeine

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If you usually drink three cups of coffee during the day, you must change it. The point is not to completely abandon coffee, but to refuse this afternoon, which may be a problem of good sleep. If this is a big problem for you, replace ordinary coffee without caffeine. Try not to drink later eighteen.

Rutin before bed

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Start repeating the same actions every day before bedtime. Shower, mouse hair and teeth cleaning, beloved pajamas and reading book. After a few days later you will see that the fallback will not be for you the slightest problem. The brain will get used to the fact that after these actions you go to bed. At that moment, when you again, you will perform the same actions, a signal will come to the brain that it is time to sleep.

Do not overeat overnight

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If you are found for the night, then, undoubtedly, you do not light up quickly, since your body will enter the digestion phase of heavy food. You are a type of a person who cannot fall asleep before snacking something delicious, so I advise you to do what will satisfy your hunger, really easy and easily digestible. Beware of acute food. You can seduce yourself with yogurt, salad or fruit.

Do not train before bedtime

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I know that evening is the only time for many people, so that they can practice a little, but it should be borne in mind that nightly workouts have a negative impact on sleep.

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