Allowed Mystery: That's why we yawning
This is a means that allows us to awake in stressful periods. Many species of animals have contagious yawn - this is a way to protect family and friends, keeping everyone in the group at the ready. This phenomenon that usually lasts about six seconds and often occurs consistently caused by chemical changes in the brain.
For a long time it was believed that yawn is a way to fill the lack of oxygen in the body, and our tendency to yawn, when we see how others do it, is incorrectly interpreted as an expression of sympathy. To understand this, scientists conducted a series of experiments with groups of people and animals. Their main hypothesis is that the yawing role is important to maintain the cold brain so that it function is optimal.
The brain is extremely sensitive to overheating, and Andrew Gallup, Associate Professor of the Department of Psychology at the New York State University in Oneontte, argues that the memory is weakening when the optimal brain temperature of 37 degrees Celsius rises less than one degree.
Experiments on rats showed that inhalation of cold air reduces the temperature of the brain, cooling the influx of blood to the brain. Stress and concern make the brain overheat, causing it cooling and ensuring maximum efficiency, says Dr. Gallup. This can explain why on people who do not expect this, often scream, for example, paratroopers who are preparing to jump off the aircraft, or people who need to say.
A source: anyclass.com
In the 2012 study, the results of which were published in the magazine of comparative psychology, Dr. Gallup and his colleagues observed this phenomenon in four groups of small parrots Alexander. When some parrots in one group were upset because of a loud noise, everyone began to yawn, which was not in another group. Scientists believe that this is proof that the contagious yawning has a function to keep a group of readiness.
Scientists also revealed some chemical changes in the brain that stimulate the yawning. Receptors involved in the transfer of messages into the brain function using chemical dopamine chemical. Gallup explains that the level of dopamine is the highest early in the morning, therefore it makes sense that people yaws when wake up. Some of the receptors responsible for the yawa react to opioids, which explains why heroin's drug addicts are screaming a lot during the abandonment of smoking. Studies show that we yawn more when tired, but it is not clear why. Dr. Gallup believes that the cause is the temperature of the brain, which is the highest night, and some scientists believe that the yew is accompanied by a change in condition, such as a transition from sleep in wakefulness.