The most dangerous diseases in the world

The most dangerous diseases in the world

Today we will talk about diseases that can significantly reduce your life. It is no secret that many of us think about death and fear it. Everyone hopes to go into the world other without much suffering and flour. Some terribly flying on the aircraft, others are afraid of failures and loneliness, the third begin to tremble at the sight of spiders. The most powerful human fear is recognized as fear of disease and disability, which it can turn into it. What diseases cause people a strongest fear?

The topic of this article is the most dangerous diseases in the world.

1. Ebola


We will, perhaps, from the most dangerous Ebola virus land on the planet. Most of the cases of infection were recorded in West Africa, where, in the period from 2013 to 2016, 11,310 people died out of 28,616 patients. Also, Ebola's outbreaks were recorded in Italy, Mali, Spain and the United Kingdom. In the USA of 4 infected alone, unfortunately, died.
Ebola virus is transmitted to people from animals, and then with ease moves from each other with direct contact with blood, discharge and other fluids infected. The first symptoms are similar to the symptoms of influenza, then vomiting, liver damage, as well as internal and external bleeding. Ebola succumb to treatment, but a man is very quickly killed.

2. Cholera


The following disease can pick up anyone. This cholera is an infection that penetrates the body with food or water. The cholera causative is cholera vibrion. It is difficult to believe, but according to the World Health Organization, annually dies from cholera from 42,000 to 142,000. In extreme conditions, death from cholera comes already within 2 hours after the appearance of the first symptoms. However, the patient suffers several hours or even days until it dies from dehydration and damage to organs.

It is important to remember that friend cholera is antisanitary. Also be in non-glare mollusks that could dwell in polluted water, and then to be on your plate. It is worth noting that in industrial and developed countries, cholera cases are rare, however, annually in the world is infected from 1, 5 to 4 million people.

3. Carnivorous infection


The next fast-moving disease, which we will tell you, is called necrotic fasci, or in a different carnivorous infection. According to the Disease Control Center, from 700 to 1100 citizens, 26, 6% of which die in the United States, the fascism. A person receives it during surgery, as well as as a result of the penetration of bacteria into an open wound, to burn or blister.
It is also worth knowing that with a weakened immune system, necrotic fasciites can destroy the patient.

Thus, the Disease Control Center urges to monitor the purity of the wounds and various small scratches, as well as immediately cause an ambulance in case of vomiting and increase the temperature. By the way, Edgar Savisar, Estonian politician, who lost his leg due to a carnivorous infection was the last fixed patient.

4. Toxic shock syndrome


The following disease that can interrupt your life on this earth is horror, is toxic shock syndrome. By the way, women are susceptible to this infection, since the use of ultra absorbent in tampons is one of the reasons for infection. However, only every 1 or 2 of 100,000 women is infected, and the mortality rate is 5%, which in this case is not considered a very large indicator.

Despite this, in 2014, a teenage girl from Great Britain died from toxic shock 5 days after using a tampon 1 time. Most often, patients with these syndrome are deprived of their limbs. For example, one 27-year-old model from the United States as a result of toxic shock amputated the right leg below the knee and the fingers of the left leg.

5. Meningococcal infection


Next in our list-meningococcal infection, most common among adolescents and young people.
This bacterial form of meningitis is so dangerous that in the United States even strengthened all measures to identify and treatment. Nevertheless, in half of the cases, infected die if they do not receive proper treatment; 1 of 20 received treatment is dying for 2 days, and 2 out of 10 cured suffer from complications. Meningitis affects the head and spinal cord, and its symptoms are elevated temperature, photosensitivity, rigidity of the occipital muscles, headache and vomiting. Most of the outbreaks of meningococcal infection were recorded in Africa, where 1146 people died in 2014. In the USA in 2015 there are 375 dead.

It is transmitted by air-droplet through cough and sneezing, but fortunately there are special vaccines from her. The second most common form of meningitis is viral meningitis, the treatment of which takes from 7 to 10 days.

6. Shagas disease


A more common disease that recently received all the attention of the American media has become a sickness of Shagas, the causative agent of which is the sucking blood parasite. According to the World Health Organization, the risk is infected with 20-30% of the world's population.

Among the symptoms of the Shagas-headache, temperature, rash, lubrication in body, fatigue, nausea, diarrhea and vomiting. In more launched cases leads to heart failure and early death. Every year, about 21,000 infectious dies from Chagas in Mexico, Central and South America, and this is, according to the World Health Organization, without unregistered cases of infection. Vaccines do not exist, but the treatment still saves life. Also, the center for the control of viruses does not recommend using insects and do not spend the night surrounded by straw, where they love to dwell parasites.

7. Plague


You probably have heard a lot about the next disease. Black death, which includes a bubonic, lightweight and septic plague, in the history of the population killed 30-60% of Europe's population and 75 million people around the world.
The plague existed not only in the Middle Ages, she is now among us. The most common-bubonic - begins with the swinging of lymph nodes. In the worst case, for 10 days, 4 out of 5. Of course, the cases of infection today are rare, however, it is worth understanding that, as in the Middle Ages, the plague can be sick today. Easy spreads through air or water, but the bubonic and septic causes a bite of fleas. According to statistics, about 650 cases of infection are recorded annually in the world.

According to the American company of tropical medicine and hygiene, in the period from 2000 to 2009, 1,612 patients died out of 22,000 patients. In the US, the plague claimed the lives of the 7th people of 56 sick. In 2015, in New Mexico, in connection with the new outbreak of bubonic of 4 infectious, one did not become one, and a year later in the same state managed to save all five infected patients. In New Mexico, the phrase even became popular: "We survived the plague. It's fantastic!". One man generally lost both legs below the knee and spent several weeks in a coma, after which the doctors reported to his wife that he had no chance of recovery.

It is important to remember that the main thing in any disease is to prevent it in time, then you will come up with a minimum of problems, Saving the nerves and live a long and happy life!

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